Completed: May 2013

The Inala Community Health Centre provides a wide range of medical services to the community. Mental health, oral health, paediatrics services, diabetes treatment, and breast screening services are just a few of the medical services offered by the Community Health Centre. This is an essential facility that ensures the surrounding community is provided with sufficient health care and it must remain efficient and functional to do so.

Multitech Solutions was tasked with revamping the main electrical switchboard for the centre. Efficiency and functionality were being threatened by an aging system that was in need of remodelling. Our Electrical team accepted this challenge and developed a design that replaced the existing network with a new and more reliable system. This improved the energy efficiency of the system and made it more reliable while also managing to reduce energy consumption.

Healthcare is an essential part of any civilised community. Being able to not only support but improve the healthcare of others is a valued contribution to modern society. Efficiency in design and implementation stood out as a reoccurring feature of Multitech’s ability to deliver documentation to best suit client needs.